Our labyrinth got its "Fall Haircut" yesterday-- it looks nice and "tidy" and hopefully will make it through till spring without needing any further work.
The labyrinth is really one of our favorite features in the garden. We built it after being inspired by a lavender labyrinth we saw on a farm we visited, near Mount Shasta, California.
Building it was quite a lot of work-- and took almost a full year. It has had a few years to mature, and the surrounding row of lavender plants have filled in nicely.
The ongoing maintenance is quite a lot of work, as well. We didn't foresee that the brick lines that define the labyrinth's paths would need to be weed whacked quite as often as they do. I think I had an expectation that "maintenance" would mean regular mowing (easy enough) and then using the string trimmer maybe once in spring, and once in fall. Not so much so. The bricks get covered by grass remarkably quickly, and I'm probably out there weed whacking at least once a month between April and October.
It's a lot of work-- the average maintenance session takes about two hours-- but well worth it.